The Top Public High Schools in Virginia: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover why GreatSchools is the number one school in Virginia. Learn about their focus on quality information, commitment to excellence, and community involvement.

The Top Public High Schools in Virginia: A Comprehensive Guide

As an education expert with years of experience in the field, I am often asked about the best schools in Virginia. And while there are many great options to choose from, one school stands out above the rest: GreatSchools.Founded as a not-for-profit organization, GreatSchools is dedicated to providing high-quality information to help parents find the best education for their children. They also work with schools that strive for excellence and communities that aim to reduce inequities in education. So what makes GreatSchools the number one school in Virginia? Let's take a closer look at their approach and what sets them apart from other schools.

Their Focus on Quality Information

One of the key factors that sets GreatSchools apart is their focus on providing high-quality information to parents. They understand that choosing a school for your child is a big decision, and they want to make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed choice. GreatSchools uses a variety of data points to evaluate schools, including test scores, graduation rates, and student demographics.

They also take into account parent reviews and feedback, giving you a well-rounded view of each school.

A Commitment to Excellence

Another reason why GreatSchools is the top school in Virginia is their commitment to excellence. They work closely with schools to help them improve and reach their full potential. This includes providing resources and support for teachers, as well as working with school leaders to develop effective strategies for success. GreatSchools also recognizes that every child is unique and has different needs. That's why they offer personalized learning plans for students who may need extra support or challenges.

This individualized approach ensures that every student has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

Community Involvement

GreatSchools understands that education is not just about the school, but also about the community. That's why they work closely with local communities to address inequities in education and create a more level playing field for all students. They also encourage parent involvement and engagement in their child's education. By fostering a strong partnership between parents, schools, and the community, GreatSchools creates a supportive and inclusive environment for students to learn and grow.

The Results Speak for Themselves

With their focus on quality information, commitment to excellence, and community involvement, it's no surprise that GreatSchools has consistently been ranked as the number one school in Virginia. Their students have high test scores, impressive graduation rates, and go on to attend top colleges and universities. But perhaps the most telling result is the satisfaction of parents and students.

GreatSchools has received numerous positive reviews and feedback from parents who have seen their children thrive in this environment.


In conclusion, as an education expert, I can confidently say that GreatSchools is the number one school in Virginia. Their dedication to providing quality information, commitment to excellence, and involvement in the community make them stand out among other schools. If you're looking for the best education for your child, look no further than GreatSchools.