How Many Private Schools Are in Indiana?

Indiana is home to 650 private schools, including The Orchard School and Indiana International School. Find the perfect fit for your child's needs and interests.

How Many Private Schools Are in Indiana?

Are you looking for a private school in Indiana? You're in luck! There are about 650 private schools across the state. One of the most renowned is The Orchard School, a Park Tudor private school located in North Indianapolis. This pre-K to 8th grade institution focuses on providing students with academic and extraordinary opportunities, from early childhood to college preparatory courses. The foundation of private school education at Park Tudor is based on core values that guide each student on a path of lifelong learning. If you're interested in seeing what the future holds for your child, come visit Park Tudor and see what they have to offer.

Another great option is Indiana International School, a pre-K to 12th grade private school. This school offers a variety of educational opportunities for students of all ages. Indiana is home to many excellent private schools, so if you're looking for an alternative to public education, you have plenty of options. With so many schools to choose from, you can find the perfect fit for your child's needs and interests.